Mindful Zelfcompassie Intensive

27 t/m 30 augustus, Garderen
met Mila de Koning & Joost van den Heuvel Rijnders

Mindful Zelfcompassie Intensive

27 t/m 30 Augustus  in Garderen op de Veluwe.  Met Mila de Koning & Joost van den Heuvel Rijnders

4 daagse Intensive Mindful Zelfcompassie

Om het nieuwe seizoen met aandacht en veerkracht te beginnen, nodigen Joost en Mila je uit voor een intensieve mindful zelfcompassie training. Vier dagen lang krijg je de ruimte om jezelf centraal te zetten, om te landen in een prachtige, rustgevende omgeving en je op te laden voor de rest van het jaar.

Deze retraite draait om zelfzorg en zelfcompassie: tijd nemen voor stilte en verbinding, ontdekken wat voor jou echt belangrijk is en hoe je daar plek voor kunt maken in je leven. Hotel De Werelt, midden in de Veluwse bossen, biedt met zijn warme sfeer, sauna en buitenzwembad een ideale plek voor deze ervaring.

Ervaar de transformatieve kracht van zelfcompassie. In deze 4 daagse intensieve training leer je de kracht van zelfcompassie van binnenuit kennen. Je leert vaardigheden die je vermogen tot zelfzorg, mindfulness en emotionele veerkracht bevorderen. 

We besteden aandacht aan de zachte kant van zelfcompassie (zelfzorg en vriendelijkheid) en de krachtige kant van zelfcompassie (opkomen voor jezelf, stellen van grenzen en ontwikkelen van veerkracht).


In deze 4 dagen doorloop je de hele Mindful Zelfcompassie training (Mindful Self-Compassion, MSC) zoals deze ontwikkeld is door Kristin Neff & Christopher Germer. Er is voldoende gelegenheid om te leren, te oefenen en vragen te stellen.

Je leert o.a.:

  • goed voor jezelf te zorgen
  • jezelf op een bemoedigende manier te ondersteunen
  • je zelf te motiveren met compassie in plaats van met zelfkritiek
  • op een zelfcompassievolle wijze om te gaan met moeilijke gevoelens
  • aandacht te geven aan dat wat voor jou echt belangrijk is
  • compassievol te blijven in uitdagende relaties
  • om te gaan met compassie-moeheid
  • de kunst van zelfwaardering te ontwikkelen

Deze training voldoet aan de voorwaarden om toegelaten te worden tot de Mindful Zelfcompassie Trainersopleiding.

Het programma

Op de aankomstdag ontvangen we je vanaf 9.30. Om 10.00 starten we met het programma. ’s Middags krijg je de tijd om je te installeren op je kamer.  

De rest van de dagen besteden we aan het leren beoefenen van zelfzorg en zelfcompassie op de vele verschillende gebieden van ons leven.  We hebben 1 optionele avondsessie.

Tussendoor is er tijd om te rusten, te wandelen of te zwemmen.


Startdatum: , 2024

27 Aug:  arriveren vanaf 9.00 | openingssessie van 9.30 – 13.00 en van 15.00 tot 18.30

28 – 29 Aug: programma van 9.00 – 12.30 en  14.30 – 18.00

29 Aug: avondsessie van 20.00 tot 21.30

30 Aug: programma van 9.00 – 12.30 en van 13.30 – 16.00


Mindful Zelfcompassie Training: € 795,- (vrijgesteld van BTW).

Accommodatie: € 749,- 4 nachten op basis van vol pension in Hotel de Werelt in Garderen op de Veluwe.


Hotel De Werelt Garderen ligt aan de rand van de Veluwe, je loopt zo het bos in of de hei op.

Kom tot rust en doe nieuwe energie op in het mooiste natuurgebied van Nederland. Haal alles uit jouw verblijf, ontdek de Veluwe wandelend of met de fiets en geniet van alle gemakken van het hotel.

Accomodatie: 4 nachten op basis van vol pension, verblijf op een eenspersoonskamer. Bij het hotel kun je fietsen huren, wandelen en gebruik maken van het buitenzwembad en de sauna.

Mocht je een voorovernachting willen boeken dan kan dat rechtstreeks bij het hotel. Vermeld er dan bij dat je aansluitend de Mindful Zelfcompassie Intensive gaat volgen bij De Mindfulness Academie.


Niet bij de prijs inbegrepen

Wat deelnemers over deze training zeggen:

Daniel Berg

“I attended the MSC teacher training in the Netherlands in the summer of 2023. It was a transformative experience for me. There were approximately 40 attendees from over 20 countries, all sharing a commitment to bring more compassion and self-compassion into their lives and the lives of others. The opportunity to interact with so many inspiring people from around the world was unique for me.

The senior teachers, including Mila, Chris (Germer) and Laura were delightful, insightful and inspired with their wisdom, experience and sense of humor. It was a wonderful experience to hear the history and details of the development of the MSC program. The academy made sure that the location and food was excellent. It was hard to leave and we continue to stay in touch with a whatsapp thread.

I would recommend this program wholeheartedly to anyone interested in developing their self-compassion.”

Daria Steketee

Daria Steketee“I spent an inspiring week with teachers Mila, Chris, and Laura, and an international group of students for the MSC Teacher Training. There was so much material to cover which they managed to deliver in an organized, thoughtful and engaging way. They communicate their passion for the subject and give us plenty of exercises to try things out ourselves experientially.

I’m amazed how much I learned in just one week, not only from the teachers but also from my fellow participants.

The training really gave me the tools to begin teaching MSC and the sense of being part of a community of like-minded people. I highly recommend this institute and hope to take more courses with them in the future.”

Will you join us?

Registration is now open. A restricted number of participants can attend this intensive. If you want to make sure you are one of them please do apply soon. As soon as you have registered we will contact you to confirm your reservation. For registration click the button bellow.


Chris Germer

Chris Germer, PhD is a clinical psychologist and lecturer on psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He co-developed the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) program with Kristin Neff in 2010 and MSC has since been taught to over 100,000 people worldwide.

They co-authored two books on MSC, The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook and Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program. Chris spends most of his time lecturing and leading workshops around the world on mindfulness and self-compassion.

He is also the author of The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion; he co-edited two influential volumes on therapy, Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, and Wisdom and Compassion in Psychotherapy; and he maintains a small private practice in Arlington, Massachusetts, USA.

For more information about Chris, visit www.centerformsc.org


Mila de Koning

Mila de Koning has been delivering mindfulness and self-compassion courses, workshops and coaching to different audiences since 2006.

She worked for years in healthcare, within the mental health sector in various positions, including as a nurse, sociotherapist, teacher and prevention worker.  Since 2011, she has focused entirely on mindfulness and self-compassion, within the VU medical centre she founded the mindfulness expertise centre with the aim of bringing mindfulness and self-compassion to healthcare.

Together with Marga Gooren, Mila wrote the book Hart voor de dokter, met zelfcompassie aan het werk in 2020 (will be publishes in English soon) and together they are teaching selfcompassion and mindfulness to doctors and other healthcare workers.

Mila is founder of  the Self Compassion Academy and De Mindfulness Academie and lead teacher of the mindfulness and self-compassion teacher training. The Self Compassion Academy is the European partner of the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion in San Diego, U.S.A .

‘After so many years of teaching mindfulness and self compassion  I still teach with a lot of passion and pleasure. Passing on mindfulness and self-compassion is something I do with my heart and soul. I truly believe that compassion is a force that can change the world!’ 

Mindful Self-Compassion Training Q&A

Mindful Self-Compassion is a training program that is based on scientific research and is accessible to everyone. The program emphasizes the practice of self-compassion and is rooted in mindfulness. MSC equips participants with vital skills and exercises to help them respond to difficult situations and challenging moments with kindness and care towards themselves.

It’s important to note that MSC is not a retreat in the traditional sense, as we encourage sharing experiences as part of the learning process. It’s also not considered psychotherapy. The program is designed to help individuals tap into their inner strength and learn to cope with difficulties, rather than the difficulties themselves being the topic of the conversation. This is also a key difference between MSC and therapy. Participants are expected to take responsibility for how they use these sources of strength to navigate challenging emotions and situations. 

The Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) program is designed for psychologically stable adults and is open to everyone. Studies have shown that self-compassion can improve emotional and physical resilience and may even act as a preventative measure. The program helps us learn to love ourselves unconditionally when we need it most. This process can be positive and energizing, but it can also be challenging and painful as difficult feelings may arise. The saying, “Love reveals everything but itself” captures this aspect of emotional healing, where feelings like sadness that were previously ignored can now be processed.

Prior experience with mindfulness and meditation is not necessary. However, participants should be comfortable exploring their inner experiences and feelings with their eyes closed. It’s important to note that this training is not suitable for individuals who are currently mentally unwell or under a lot of emotional stress as the intensive format of the training can be emotionally demanding. It also requires good self-reflective skills and the ability to take responsibility for one’s psychological and physical health and well-being.

The Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) program was developed in 2010 by two innovative psychologists, Kristin Neff, PhD, and Christopher Germer, PhD. In 2003, Kristin Neff conducted groundbreaking research into self-compassion and its effects. Since 1980, Christopher Germer has been the first to integrate mindfulness and self-compassion into psychotherapy. The training has been further developed and is now offered worldwide on all continents. The effectiveness of the training’s various exercises and components has been extensively researched and provides a sound scientific basis for the training. For more information, please visit self-compassion.org or chrisgermer.com.

The MSC program is a mindfulness-based compassion training program designed to help participants experience self-compassion. The course includeses that can be easily integrated into everyday life. The training comprises education, guided short meditation exercises, reflection exercises, sharing experiences in small groups and large groups, and suggestions for homework. Typically, the training is offered in an 8-week format, only senior MSC teachers can provide the opportunity to experience the full MSC program in a more intensive format. 

At the Self-Compassion Academy, our teachers are dedicated to providing a learning environment that is both safe and supportive. To ensure the safety of our participants, we kindly request that you disclose any relevant information about your physical and psychological health during the registration process. In case we find any reason to believe that this training may not be suitable for you, we may contact you post-registration.

If you are dealing with any psychological issues, we advise you not to participate in the intensive MSC program or the 8-week program. Instead, we suggest that you seek individual therapy to work on developing self-compassion. Individual therapy allows for a personalized approach that takes into account your unique needs and vulnerabilities, unlike a group setting.